Knock, Knock…

What do you do when you think you have a brilliant idea? Do you find yourself asking, “why is it so hard to get it on tape or in any kind of relate-able format for that matter?” Relating anything that seems relevant should be easy right? But let’s face it, unless you using the media you love to communicate with on a daily basis it can be hard, even if you’re getting paid for what you do on a project! Either way, on line or off, it’s okay, it keeps getting easier and hopefully, our efforts move us all further along than when we logged on to begin our days respectively.

If you’re not blogging I have to say, it’s pretty cool to be playing on the internet and see this part of it from the inside out. You (we) now have a billion dollar communication tool, that is totally free, giving you a head start into a whole new mastermind that is becoming so essential the question is becoming clear, “Why would you be willing to carry on without it? Can you see it? Yea, it’s very cool, word press that is…

Gun’s and Rose’s are soooo cool! Yea, keep on knocking, I mean Rocking, lmao

2013-08-18 12.04.15

Think about this bill board for a moment, Richard Branson gets it, cell service is a monthly expense that will be paid month after month after month. Now think about Solavei and the fact they’re a company putting the customer first in every way. Here’s the lowest common denominator; if you’re a Solavei customer then you have the express right to promote and profit from the network just like Radio Shack, Walmart and Target do every month as agents for various service providers. Redirect your cell phone bill back into your own household and help some people you care about do the same. Hey, express yourself, anyone listening? Ciao